
Vote-by-Mail refers to the ability to request an absentee ballot be sent to a registered voter's home, generally about a month before an election. The voter fills it out at home, and then sends it to the voting authorities of the state. In Illinois, the ballot is signed, dated, sealed and mailed in or dropped off at a polling place. You may also drop off your voted ballot at the DuPage County Clerk Election Division Office, at drop boxes located at the parking lot and main entrance of the Jack T. Knuepfer Administration Building, 421 County Farm Road, Wheaton, or at a DuPage county polling site.


Dupage County residents can go online here to request a mail in ballot for current and all future elections. You may also:

  • Pick one up from any DuPage County registration location.

  • Call the Election Division to request an Application at (630) 407-5600, Spanish (630) 407-5608, TDD: (630) 407-5631

  • If you are a registered voter, you may opt to apply for the Permanent Vote By Mail Program which will allow you to receive a Vote by Mail Ballot each election. The Permanent Vote By Mail Program Application can be found here:  DuPage Permanent VBM Application

Once you have completed the form, it can be mailed or dropped off at the Election Division.


For up to date information on voting by mail visit the DuPage County Clerk Election Division.

There are still conflicting narratives and disinformation published about vote-by-mail (VBM). The League of Women Voters Glen Ellyn, a nonpartisan organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, provides resources for a factual overview of the common questions voters have regarding vote-by-mail.  For more information regarding voting requirements, please visit or the Illinois State Board of Elections.


For Vote-by-Mail FAQ’s and other Illinois Voting Information visit: