Take Action and Get Involved!
Each year, we work hard to create ten months of programming that brings together members of our community with compelling speakers on a diverse range of timely topics. This year we have journalists, professors, economists, experts on implicit bias and many others who will join us for talks and discussions in a friendly, public format.
Candidate Forums
We're very proud to continue the long-standing tradition of sponsoring forums for candidates running for local, state and federal offices. As a non-partisan group, we are uniquely positioned to bring together candidates from diverse viewpoints and all parties, to discuss important issues that impact their constituents and educate voters on their positions.
For current and prior year’s candidate forums, click the button below.
Interest Groups
Members can get involved by becoming Voter Registrars, attending and reporting on public meetings as a League Observer, helping with our annual ladybug giveaway, working at Candidate Forums or mock elections at local high schools and a wide variety of other volunteer opportunities. Join us as we fulfill our vision to act, engage and build.
DuPage County Election Judges Needed
The DuPage County Election Commission is in the midst of extensive preparation for the upcoming election. The Election Commission is recruiting Judges of Elections to help with Vote By Mail, Early Voting and Election Day. Responsibilities of Judge of Election include the following: assist with preparing the polling place for opening and closing, check in and process voters, provide help to voters with disabilities, register voters, oversee and maintain record of the Election activities.
Judges of Elections must be registered voters. A Judge of Election receives $130 for working on Election Day plus $30 for attending training and working during the Election. A Judge of Election can also receive $10 per hour if they work as an Early Voting Judge or as a Vote by Mail Verification Judge.
If you would be interested in serving as a Judge of Election, please contact the office of the Election Commission at (630) 407-5600 or complete the "Judge Application" online.