Environmental Action Alert
Act Now to Ban Foam Foodware
Read below and then fill out an IL witness slip today!
(by LWV Chicago)
Tired of Styrofoam® on the takeout menu? Support Illinois legislation that would impose a ban on single-use polystyrene foam foodware in Illinois.
Take Action
Take a moment to submit a witness slip for HB 2376 as a PROPONENT by Tuesday, February 28 at 9 am, prior to the Illinois House Energy and Environment Committee holding a hearing on this legislation.
Filling out a witness slip is quick and easy. Follow these tips if you’re unfamiliar with the process.
When you are done, please contact your state representative and ask them to support HB 2376.
What You Should Know
Illinois House Bill 2376 amends the Environmental Protection Act and provides that, beginning January 1, 2024, a store in Illinois may not sell or distribute disposable food service containers that are composed in whole or in part of plastic polystyrene foam (commonly known as Styrofoam®).
If there’s one thing the environmental community can agree on, it’s that we need less plastic in our water, soil, food and our bodies! We know that plastic never fully deteriorates, and only a fraction of all plastic is recycled. While many of us do our part to properly dispose of the plastics we acquire, it simply isn’t enough to get at the root of this problem.
Some plastic just doesn’t belong in 2023, especially single-use plastics. These disposable items make up nearly half of our plastic use, items like plastic foam cups and containers, plastic grocery bags, plastic straws and utensils, plastic bottles, and plastic packaging.
Illinois has a chance to become a leader on tackling plastic pollution by passing a statewide ban on polystyrene foam cups and takeout containers this legislative session. Polystyrene foam is a known hazardous substance. It leaches into food and drink, and it is a principal source of litter.