League Glossary
ACTION: Leagues act on current program positions and on principles. Action is directed at all branches of government and includes such forms as lobbying, monitoring, and litigation. Leagues may be called to act by a “Time for Action” from LWVIL or an “Action Alert” from LWVUS.
ANNUAL MEETING: Meeting held each fiscal year for the entire membership in order to elect officers, adopt local program, and conduct other business.
BOARD MEETINGS: Board meetings are open to all members. Please see the schedule on the Calendar.
BUDGET: A detailed estimate of the financial needs and income of a League is prepared annually by an appointed committee, presented to the Board, and adopted by members at the annual meeting.
LWVGE budget year runs from May 1 to April 30.
CANDIDATES’ FORUM: An open meeting at which all candidates for local elected positions are invited to speak to the public. Efforts are made to encourage public participation.
CONSENSUS: Member agreement among a substantial number of members, reached after sustained study of an issue. Although group discussion is the most common means for determining agreement, other methods such as questionnaire or concurrence may be used.
CONCURRENCE: The act of agreeing with a position. Groups of League members or League Boards can concur with recommendations of a resource committee or unit group, decision statements formulated by League Boards, or positions reached by another League or Leagues.
GENERAL / UNIT MEETING: A meeting of the entire League, other than an Annual meeting, held to present information on a League program item. The public is invited to such meetings. Also known as Community Meeting.
ILO: Abbreviation for Inter‑League Organization. An ILO is made up of the members of the entire local Leagues in a certain area organized to promote matters of common concern.
NON‑PARTISAN: The League at all levels is non‑partisan, meaning the League as a whole will not support or oppose any political party or candidates. Each local League Board sets its own guidelines for following this concept within its community.
OBSERVER: A League member who “sits in” on local government Board and Commission meetings, and then writes an observer’s report. Observers do not participate in the meetings they are observing. The observer program ensures the citizen’s right to know.
PMP: Abbreviation for Per Member Payment. PMP is assessed annually and paid by the local League to the LWVIL and the LWVUS.
PORTFOLIO: Board Member’s job / area of responsibility.
POSITION: An expression of League’s point of view regarding an issue. It forms the basis for League action. Positions are broad statements, which reflect the stance taken on an issue as the result of study and consensus (member agreement). Position statements are reached for all levels of government— local, county, state and national.
PROGRAM: Governmental issues chosen for concerted study and action at the local, state and national levels.
STUDY GROUP: A research committee, which is formed under the leadership of a chairperson to:
1) study a specific program, 2) present information to members in order to take consensus (member agreement), and 3) present the Board of Directors with a written report of the study and consensus
UNIT MEETINGS: Meetings are open to all members and guests are welcomed.
“VOTER”: The name of the League bulletin, published periodically and sent to all members locally.
VOTER SERVICE: An ongoing service provided by the League to the community, including voter registration, candidate forums, voter information bulletins and publications, speakers on government, etc. In keeping with the League’s non-partisan policy, Voter Service actions present all sides of an issue and all candidates. Voter Service is separate from action on League positions.