Join. Renew. Donate
Joining or renewing is easy!
We love welcoming new members to help support our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy. Membership is open to anyone 16 years of age or older. Everyone is welcome!
Why Join the League of Women Voters of Glen Ellyn (LWVGE)
When you join the LWVGE, you will be part of one of the largest and most active Leagues in the area. You will add your voice to the group of women and men in our community who empower voters and defend democracy. You will make a difference in the community.
Be informed: Get access to our programs, publications and discussions.
Serve your community: Register voters, educate the public, and meet with government officials.
Create change: Study issues, draft League positions, and advocate for issues using our positions.
Meet new people: Our members are warm, welcoming, interesting, and dynamic.
Develop new skills: Get experience in citizen advocacy.
Participate in local, state and national League work. When you join LWVGE you automatically become a member of the League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) and the League of Women Voters of Illinois (LWVIL).
It’s up to you. Some of our members just want to support the league with their annual dues. Know that your dues add to our grassroots strength and our financial resources. Others want to stay informed and attend our events such as candidate forums, community programs, and other educational and position based programs. While other members want to be more engaged by serving on committees or on the Board. Check out our interest survey to learn more about opportunities to participate.
In February, 2025, LWVUS instituted a new membership/dues platform. Dues are pay-what-you-can. The recommended dues rate is $75, but you can pay any amount more than that, or any amount less than that to a minimum of $20. Under the new system, 20% of dues will go to the local League, 47% will go to the state League, and 33% will go to LWVUS. Because your dues payment is technically three payments, it will show up on your bank statement or credit/debit card statement as three separate payments.
The preferred payment method is ACH, which is an electronic payment method that just requires typing in the numbers at the bottom of a check. This is preferred because it has the lowest fees and maximizes the amount of money going toward League work. The second option is to pay online by credit/debit card, which involves higher fees. There is still an option to pay by check, but you will have to contact the LWVGE treasurer at lwvgetreasurer@gmail.com for further details.
You will renew a year after your last renewal date. You will receive email reminders from LWVUS when your expiration date is approaching. When you renew for the first time, there will be an option to auto-renew at the same rate that you chose.
Your dues support the local, state, and national chapters of the LWV (respectively – LWV of Glen Ellyn, LWV of Illinois and LWV of the United States). The Local dues support educational programs on local issues, candidate forums, and voter outreach. The State dues support the state education and state advocacy programs. The National dues support the national education and national advocacy programs, an executive director and staff in our D.C. office. That’s a lot of education and advocacy for your dues!
Not quite ready to join? Would you like to learn more? Email Michelle Peterson, Membership Chair, at lwvgemembers@gmail.com and she can answer your questions.
Ready to Join or Renew Click on One of the Links Below!
New member? Click on the button below to join.
Already a Member? Click on the button below to “claim your membership”, update membership or renew.
Thank you for considering a donation to support the League’s mission!
There are two ways you can contribute:
Donate to the Glen Ellyn League in support of our local activities (candidate forums, community meetings, voter education, etc). This donation is not tax-deductible, but the donation directly benefits Glen Ellyn and surrounding communities. Please click the DONATE link above to use a credit card securely.
OR, send a check to the address below, made out to:
League of Women Voters of Glen Ellyn
P.O. Box 2391
Glen Ellyn, IL 60138The second option (which is tax deductible) is to the support the League's Education Fund through the League of Women Voters of Illinois. The only way to ensure most of this donation is earmarked for Glen Ellyn is to send a check to the address ABOVE, but make your check out to League of Women Voters of Illinois Education Fund (LWVILEF), a 501(c)(3) organization. We will forward it on to the Illinois League with a designation to benefit Glen Ellyn voter education.