Mis/Disinformation & Media Literacy Resources

Help Combat Mis/Disinformation!

We make important decisions based on what we hear on social media and in the news.  When we are unable to distinguish between truth and mis/disinformation, it can cause confusion and misunderstandings, leaving a generalized sense that “you can’t believe anything anymore.” 

Mis/disinformation ultimately undermines trust in legitimate information sources, increases polarization in our society, and leads to misinformed decisions.

The LWVIL is leading the effort to combat mis/disinformation, and has provided valuable resources the IL leagues and communities can use to identify and thwart mis/disinformation. Scroll down to find downloadable infographics, media literacy slides, and press & letter to the editor resources!

About The Mis/Disinformation
Task Force

To address the troubling rise of misinformation and disinformation—and its impact on our elections—the League of Women Voters of Illinois formed the Mis/Disinformation Task Force in January 2024 with the goal of educating the general public on mis/disinformation.

Social Media

Social media posts with media literacy tips for you to share on your league social media pages.

Social Media Group 1

Social Media Group 2


Infographics and posters that can be printed for community bulletin boards or distributed through partners like libraries.  These graphics can also be shared on your digital platforms.


Series of 6

Media Literacy Slides

A new PowerPoint presentation about media literacy with speaker notes for you to present to other civic organizations, houses of worship, libraries  and other places where people gather in your community.

Press &
Letter To The Editor

Media Literacy press materials, including:

  • A news release summarizing how news media literacy can help overcome “information overload” during remarks delivered at the May 22 meeting made by Michael Spikes, PhD, a practitioner-scholar who has spent more than 15 years in the fields of media literacy education (MLE), news media literacy and youth media. 

  • A letter to the editor about the need for educational institutions to incorporate digital media literacy into their curriculums.

  • Public Service Announcements that you can submit to local broadcast stations or record on your own for social media