Clean Air
Engines Off For Kids’ Health
Idling is running a vehicle's engine when not in motion.
Kids’ Health
Breathing exhaust fumes is linked to increases in asthma, allergies, heart and lung disease, and cancer.
Children are more susceptible to air pollution because they take roughly two times more breaths per minute than adults.
Monitoring at schools has shown elevated levels of pollutants during the afternoon hour coinciding with families picking up children.
The Facts
Idling more than 10 seconds uses more fuel than restarting the engine.
Frequent restarting won’t harm your engine.
In the US, we waste 3.8 million gallons of gas idling every day.
Steps to Take
Turn your vehicle off if you need to wait more than 10 seconds.
Avoid idling at schools to reduce children’s exposure to toxic vehicle exhaust.
To warm or cool your car in extreme weather, limit idling to five minutes.
Walk or bike to neighborhood schools.
Take the bus or carpool as much as possible.
Engines off for kids’ health!
Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Glen Ellyn, Go Green Glen Ellyn and District 41.
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