DuPage County Board Map

Election Info
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Why your voice matters.
Voting is one of the many privileges of living in a democratic society. Your vote gives power to the people who spend your tax money, and helps ensure that money is used in a responsible and efficient way.
Elected officials respond to neighborhoods and communities where more people are registered to vote. People under 18 and non-citizens can’t vote. Your vote impacts their future as well.
Laws at the federal, state and local levels affect taxes, health and public safety, education, recreation, economic development and more.
Low turnout means that important local issues are determined by a limited group of voters, making a single vote even more statistically meaningful.
The following quick links on election information are especially helpful in determining where and for whom you vote:
Register to Vote in Illinois- Watch a video on how to register online.
Check Your Voter Registration - search by name or address
View your Sample Ballot - search by address
Find your "home" polling place - search by name and address
State Legislative Districts for Illinois
Most of GE is in House District 42 and Senate District 21 (blue).
Small section North of Geneva Rd in House 47 and Senate 24 (purple).
A very small portion of GE North of the Great Western Trail is in House 46 and Senate 23 (green).
Federal Congressional Districts for Illinois
Each district is represented by one Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
"Illinois 3rd District” -The north half of Glen Ellyn, NORTH OF RR TRACKS (Shown in Orange)
"Illinois 6th District" -The south half of Glen Ellyn (Shown in Green)
"Illinois 8th District” Small portion of Glen Ellyn (Shown in Sage Green) (Corner of Geneva Road/Derby Glen subdivision)
Glen Ellyn Districts
DuPage County Board Map
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Fair Maps
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State Legislative Districts for Illinois
Find your districts HERE!
Glen Ellyn State Legislative Districts
Most of GE is in House District 42 and Senate District 21 (blue).
Small section North of Geneva Rd in House 47 and Senate 24 (purple).
A very small portion of GE North of the Great Western Trail is in House 46 and Senate 23 (green).
Federal Congressional Districts for ILLINOIS
What is your district?
Each district is represented by one Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
"Illinois 3rd District” -The north half of Glen Ellyn, NORTH OF RR TRACKS (Shown in Orange)
"Illinois 6th District" -The south half of Glen Ellyn (Shown in Green)
"Illinois 8th District” Small portion of Glen Ellyn (Shown in Sage Green) (Corner of Geneva Road/Derby Glen subdivision)
GE Districts
Statement on Redistricting in Illinois
A statement from Allyson Haut, President, the League of Women Voters of Illinois on the Illinois Congressional Maps as proposed on Oct. 23, 2021.
“The League of Women Voters of Illinois has worked for reforms to the state redistricting process since the 1990s. Our recent efforts have focused on an amendment to the Illinois constitution to provide for a more transparent map drawing process and community input through an independent commission.
There are standards upon which a redistricting plan should be based. Plans should require equal population, geographic contiguity, and effective representation of racial and linguistic minorities. They should also provide for promotion of partisan fairness and respect for boundaries of municipalities and counties. Compactness and competitiveness may also be considered. Preferential treatment for a political party should be rejected.
The Congressional Maps as proposed on Oct. 23, 2021 do add a Latino influence district but they do not meet many of the standards that a redistricting plan should have.
According to the Princeton Gerrymandering Project report card the map gets an F for partisan advantage. There are zero competitive districts. The map has a 14-3 advantage in the Democrats favor. A fairer split in Illinois according to actual voting patterns would be 10-7 or 11-6 in favor of Democrats.
The Congressional Districts as composed are not compact. The proposed 17th Congressional District is particularly offensive. It hovers the western edge of Illinois with fingers into Rockford, Peoria, and Bloomington. There are still 32 counties that are split.
Illinois should have a fairer more open and accountable redistricting process. Illinois must adopt a redistricting process that is more accessible, equitable, and transparent and accountable to the people. Responsibility for redistricting should be vested in an independent special commission.
Thank you for the opportunity for the League of Women Voters of IL to express its views on the process of redistricting in Illinois.”
Follow the League of Women Voters Glen Ellyn on Facebook & Instagram and our website for up to date information regarding Congressional Maps and the redistricting process. Fair Means Fair. #FairMaps